Year-End Impact

As we approach the end of 2016, we can see how God has greatly blessed us this year. Thank you for your faithfulness in giving and serving. God is moving at Real Life, and your generosity helps spread His message of love and life change throughout our community.

I encourage you to continue to invest in the eternal impact of our church, while at the same time trusting God completely by bringing the full tithe to His church. I know that God will greatly bless your faithfulness with His tangible and intangible favor. Now is a great time to catch up on any giving God has placed on your heart to do: all contributions to the church made by December 31st are deductible for your 2016 taxes! It’s easy to give online through our Paypal.

Our mission as a church is simply to move people closer to Christ. Your gift helps us accomplish that, and it also increases your own faith as you expand your trust. Thank you for being willing to give and grow this year!

I love my church,

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