Category Archives: Devotionals

A Reflection for the End of the Year

Suffice to say it was quite a year. Despite all the challenges and disappointments, we saw God at work on a personal level, within our church, and all around the world. As the year draws to a close, let’s take time to lament as needed, but also to praise and thankfully acknowledge how we were sustained and blessed throughout this year, and to look forward to the blessings coming in 2021.

Looking Back

What did I entrust to God this year?

What has God done for me this year?

How have I seen God’s hand in my life?

How have I been changed in 2020?

What area of my life have I neglected that needs God’s attention?

What things am I holding onto that are actually holding me back?

Looking Forward

Where do I want to be next year at this time:

  • Spiritually?
  • Relationally?
  • Physically?
  • Financially?

What bold prayer will I present to God?

How will I live out my faith and show the love of God to people who need it?

What will I surrender to God’s authority that is holding me back?

How will I make myself available for God to use as a blessing?

Am I ready and willing to receive blessings from God?

Give Thanks

Next let’s give thanks for the ways in which God was present in our lives this year.

Lent 2020: Reading John, Week 7

Welcome to the final week of our John read-through! Each day in Lent, we’ll journey though the story of Jesus as told in the Gospel of John. You can see each devotional daily on our Facebook page, or check in here each week for the following week’s reading. Write your responses in a journal, and share your thoughts in the comments!

Be sure to join us next Sunday for Easter Sunday services online! There will be three service times to choose from: 9am, 10:45am, and 12:30pm. Invite your loved ones to watch and share the message online with you!

Sunday, 4/5: John 19:1-27

John shows us how Scripture was fulfilled through the crucifixion of Jesus. Are you listening to God speak to you as you read? Do you listen for how Scripture is fulfilled in your life? Give it a try and ask for His revelation as you read!

Monday, 4/6: John 19:28-37; Isaiah 53

God’s plan was to bring redemption and comfort to His people so that the whole world can see His salvation. Do you believe He bore your sins? Spend some time reflecting on the work of Jesus for the world He loves… Including you!

Tuesday, 4/7: Psalm 22

Jesus has done wonderful things. Are you sharing this Good News of the wonders He has done with the people in your life?

Wednesday, 4/8: John 19:38-42; Psalm 23

Do you face death with fear or trust? How can drawing close to Jesus and recognizing His presence help you walk with Him through the darkest valleys fearlessly?

Thursday, 4/9: John 20:1-23

The disciples followed Jesus throughout His ministry but never expected the resurrection. Does God ever surprise you by His actions? Are you surprised that His love goes beyond even death itself?

Friday, 4/10: John 20:24-31

Taking a step forward to follow Jesus in the midst of our doubt is putting our faith into practice. Are you willing to express your doubts to the Lord and follow Him in trust before completely understanding all of what He’s asking you to do?

Saturday, 4/11: John 21:1-14

The disciples finally learned how to recognize Jesus. Do you recognize Jesus when He speaks to you? How can spending time in the Word help you recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd?

Easter Sunday, 4/12: John 21:15-25

Why do you think Peter’s love for the church is so important to where Jesus was leading Him? How is your love for Jesus’ Church? Are you willing to love as Jesus loves? Read Acts to see more of what Jesus was going to do through Peter and the other disciples as they learn to love this new “Community of Believers!”

Lent 2020: Reading John, Week 6

Welcome back to our John read-through! Each day in Lent, we’ll journey though the story of Jesus as told in the Gospel of John. You can see each devotional daily on our Facebook page, or check in here each week for the following week’s reading. Write your responses in a journal, and share your thoughts in the comments!

Sunday, 3/29: John 14:15-31

Jesus – one place at a time. The Holy Spirit, our Advocate – in all places at all times. As you journey through John with Jesus, are you open to the Holy Spirit teaching you? How comforting is it to know that God, the Holy Spirit, is always with you and will never leave? How can believing this truth help you to not be troubled or afraid?

Monday, 3/30: John 15

How important is it for you to be connected to Jesus? How do you see your relationship with Him? Does “friend” come to mind when you ponder your relationship? Can you believe your relationship with Jesus can grow to one of deep friendship?

Tuesday, 3/31: John 16

Are you having difficulty understanding what Jesus is talking about? Ask the Spirit to help you understand what is troubling you. Go ahead and talk to Him right now about whatever is on your heart. He is here!

Wednesday, 4/1: John 17

Who continues to reveal the Father to us? Do you need to see? Ask Jesus, the opener of eyes, to touch your eyes and allow you to see… Then praise Him for it!

Thursday, 4/2: John 18:1-6; Exodus 3:13-14

Jesus spoke his Divine name precisely at the moment he revealed his Divine power by giving up his life. As you witness the story of the torture and death of Jesus, why do you think it’s important at this moment for the author to remind us that Jesus is God?

Friday, 4/3: John 18:7-27

Fear can be so powerful. Fear led Peter to deny Jesus. Has fear ever led you to not share the experiences you’ve had following Jesus with others? How can believing Jesus help us overcome our fears?

Saturday, 4/4: John 18:28-40

The priests sought Jesus’ death while at the same time desiring to remain pure so they could take part in the Passover feast. (As a reader of John, this should seem completely ridiculous!) Have you ever tried to act outwardly religious while still wanting to do whatever you want to do?

Lent 2020: Reading John, Week 5

Welcome back to our John read-through! Each day in Lent, we’ll journey though the story of Jesus as told in the Gospel of John. You can see each devotional daily on our Facebook page, or check in here each week for the following week’s reading. Write your responses in a journal, and share your thoughts in the comments!

Sunday, 3/22: John 11:1-16

What do you think Jesus is getting at in verse 15? How did you come to believe in Jesus? How does this belief work out in your everyday life?

Monday, 3/23: John 11:17-44

Belief in Jesus leads to resurrection – taking what is dead and making it alive is what God does! Spend some time praising God today for this truth: He is the resurrection and the life!

Tuesday, 3/24: John 11:45-57

The religious leaders saw Jesus as a threat and they refused to adjust their lives to His demands. What does Jesus threaten in your lifestyle? Can you trust Him and follow His lead even if it means a significant transformation?

Wednesday, 3/25: John 12:1-36

Even the disciples did not immediately understand God’s plan – they had to trust before understanding. What troubles you as God speaks to you through His Word? Can you trust before understanding?

Thursday, 3/26: John 12:37-50

If you have the ability to believe, if Jesus has opened your eyes and called you to Him, then follow! Do you need Jesus to give you eyes to see and a heart that understands? Then take a moment and ask Him for this today for He lives to give sight to our blind eyes!

Friday, 3/27: John 13:1-30

As Jesus washed the disciples feet He gave us a symbol His life purpose: to reveal God’s nature as a being of self-giving love by becoming a servant and giving his life for the sins of the world. Are you willing to self-sacrificially love others? To love like Jesus loves?

Saturday, 3/28: John 13:31-14:14

How we love shows the world who Jesus is and therefore who God is. Will you ask the Lord to open your eyes to see people and give them the same self-giving love that you’ve received from your Savior?

Lent 2020: Reading John, Week 4

Welcome back to our John read-through! Each day in Lent, we’ll journey though the story of Jesus as told in the Gospel of John. You can see each devotional daily on our Facebook page, or check in here each week for the following week’s reading. Write your responses in a journal, and share your thoughts in the comments!

Sunday, 3/15: John 7:37-52

The festival was to remember God’s provision for Israel as they wondered in the desert. What claim about himself did Jesus stand and shout? In answering Jesus’ call to come to Him, what does He say we receive?

Monday, 3/16: John 8:12-30

What claim did Jesus speak out again about himself? What do we receive when follow Him? Where does his light lead to and why is this so important?

Tuesday, 3/17: John 8:31-59

Jesus said that sin enslaves us whether we know it or not and the truth He brings sets us free. Have you experienced the freedom Jesus has offered you?

Wednesday, 3/18: John 9:1-23

This man’s parents were afraid of losing their community by answering the Jewish Leader’s questions and sharing with them the amazing thing Jesus just did. Are there barriers that get in the way of you sharing the crazy and cool things Jesus did and is doing for you? What do you do about these barriers?

Thursday, 3/19: John 9:24-41

Jesus came to bring sight to those who are blind and show those who think they can see that they, in fact, are blind. How does the blind man respond to Jesus? When Jesus brings sight to your eyes about who He is and His grand invitation to us, how should we respond to Him?

Friday, 3/20: John 10:1-21

Jesus’ purpose is to give us a life that is rich and satisfying…abundant! Have you responded to the voice of the Good Shepherd?

Saturday, 3/21: John 10:22-42

What Jesus did revealed God was working through Him. Jesus, in you, wants to do God’s works. Are you letting Him?

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